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 1 - 25 of 2182 Games 

Top Points presented by Shuijingfang | WTT Star Contender Doha Day 5 : Smiley4
Best Table Tennis Shots of 2020 | XMAS Edition : Smiley4
2013 China Super League: Jiangsu Vs Bayi [HD] [Full/Chinese] : Smiley4 Stern1Stern2Stern1Stern2Stern3
TT WM 1989 Fetzner-Rosskopf Pt.2 -Zelluloidartisten T.1 History of TT ANTIQUE:
Table Tennis 1981-1984: Dragutin Surbek, Gabor Gargely, Igor Solopov, Ulf Tickan Carlsson ANTIQUE:
WTTC 1977 ANTIQUE: Smiley1 Stern1Stern2Stern1
China vs Yugoslavia (WTTC Final 1975) ANTIQUE: Smiley2 Stern1Stern2Stern1Stern2
Sweden vs China (WTTC Final 1973) ANTIQUE: Smiley2 Stern1Stern2Stern1Stern2
XI Enting vs STIPANCIC Antun (WTTC 1/2 Final 1973) ANTIQUE: Smiley1
China vs Japan (WTTC Final 1971) ANTIQUE: Smiley2
USSR Table Tennis Championships 1971 ANTIQUE:
Swedish Open Championships 1970: Alsér (Swe) - Karakasevic (Jug). Bengtsson (Swe) - Chuang Tse-tung ANTIQUE: Smiley3
China vs France (1965) ANTIQUE: Smiley1
ZHANG Xielin aka CHANG Shih-lin (China) vs TAKAHASHI Hiroshi (Japan) (WTTC (Team) Final 1965) ANTIQUE: Smiley1
China 1960 ANTIQUE: Smiley1
China Training 1960 ANTIQUE: Smiley1
Table Tennis National Championships Asberrry, NJ (1958) ANTIQUE: Smiley1
angi vs rowe 1957 ANTIQUE: Smiley1
angi vs tanaka 1955 ANTIQUE: Smiley1
REISMAN Marty vs BARNA Victor (English Open Hardbat 1949) ANTIQUE: Smiley2 Stern1Stern2Stern1Stern2Stern3
WTTC finals (1930-1950) ANTIQUE: Smiley1
GRUBBA Andrzej vs LIANG Ge Liang (Lambert and Butler Championships) ANTIQUE: Smiley1
Gusikoff vs REISMAN Marty (Hardbat) ANTIQUE: Smiley1 Stern1Stern2Stern1Stern2Stern3
ittf legends tour special Sweden ANTIQUE: Smiley1
John Hilton vs Gabor Gergely (Norwich Union Masters) PART 1 ANTIQUE: Smiley1

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-- Table Tennis National Championships Asberrry, NJ (1958) --
-- Uploader: (sayreterrence) --
-- Quality: 1

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